“…the thing that I remember most about Bill Baker was his stark, unrelenting humanity!”
Monsters! & Other Stories Gustavo Duarte: art and script Dark Horse Books 152 pages B & W with one color $12.99 US January, 2014 978-1-61655-309-8 Truth be told, first columns can be a real bitch to write. But then again, just like an extraordinary book, they can transport you to shores you’d never before considered […]
Writers — especially writers of fiction — are often asked from where they get their ideas. People seem fascinated with how some people can look at the world and say “Why,” while writers seem to be able to look at that self-same world and say, “Why not?” Essentially, that is what lies at the core […]
Jackie Estrada talks about the Kickstarter campaign to support the publication of Comic Book People: Photographs from the 70s and 80s, which collects 600 candid shots of the legendary creators of comics, science fiction, fantasy and other pop culture.