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The Sea Wolf gets the Classic Illustrated treatment

The Sea Wolf gets the Classic Illustrated treatment

Needless to say, that Papercutz has chosen to revive this delightful series, giving them a new lease on life is one of the simple joys of our existence.

A Chat with Monster Motors’ Brian Lynch

A Chat with Monster Motors’ Brian Lynch

“…that’s what I’m aiming for with Monster Motors. Anyone can pick up the issue and like it. There’s absolutely nothing questionable in it in terms of content, but it’s also doesn’t feel ‘kiddie’.” – Brian Lynch

Talking Zen with Matt Bergin

Talking Zen with Matt Bergin

Founder and Editor in Chief for the Comic Blog Elite, self-publisher Matt Bergin also authors comic books and illustrated children’s books. Here he talks shop about this and that and the other thing. Matt, where in the world exactly were you brought up? Would you say that the locale of your upbringing had any effect […]

“Monsters & Other Stories” heralds the arrival of a monstrously talented creator from Brazil

“Monsters & Other Stories” heralds the arrival of a monstrously talented creator from Brazil

Monsters! & Other Stories Gustavo Duarte: art and script Dark Horse Books 152 pages B & W with one color $12.99 US January, 2014 978-1-61655-309-8 Truth be told, first columns can be a real bitch to write. But then again, just like an extraordinary book, they can transport you to shores you’d never before considered […]

The Boston Metaphysical Society

The Boston Metaphysical Society

Writers — especially writers of fiction — are often asked from where they get their ideas. People seem fascinated with how some people can look at the world and say “Why,” while writers seem to be able to look at that self-same world and say, “Why not?” Essentially, that is what lies at the core […]

A Chat with Rust’s Royden Lepp

A Chat with Rust’s Royden Lepp

I’m often inspired by a single image, and then I go away and create something and forget where the first spark of inspiration came from.

Write what you know: Joe Martino’s The Mighty Titan #2

Write what you know: Joe Martino’s The Mighty Titan #2

Martino explains that The Mighty Titan experiences, “What it feels like to be invulnerable, and then, suddenly never being able to feel that way again.”

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