Kathleen Kralowec is a name that you may not currently recognize, but she is certainly one that you should remember. Here at CCN we’ve met quite a number of creators over the years, Kathleen is a creator whose work stood out and were very happy to bring you an inside look into her creator-owned series… The Lion […]
“…the fact that Kirby got to be paid for his characters and kept the copyrights, and Heck and Ayers told me they had never made so much in royalties the whole time they were at Marvel…” — Jim Salicrup
We’re breaking with tradition here to interview the man responsible for creating a diverse and engaging show in the wild terrain of Long Island, NY. I present to you one man determined to educate and entertain you with artwork, cosplay, set designs, wrestlers and a regiment of Jedi, Mr. Frank Patz! Frank first came to […]
“…the thing that I remember most about Bill Baker was his stark, unrelenting humanity!”
1. What is CCN and what sets it apart from the rest of the of comic-centric news and opinion sites that already exist? The current slate of news sites are centered around corporate-owned Intellectual Properties and their management of those IPs, and not the blood, sweat and tears of the individuals who are pouring their […]