Browsing » Creative Brainstorming

A very personal Remembrance of Bill Baker

A very personal Remembrance of Bill Baker

“…the thing that I remember most about Bill Baker was his stark, unrelenting humanity!”

The Boston Metaphysical Society

The Boston Metaphysical Society

Writers — especially writers of fiction — are often asked from where they get their ideas. People seem fascinated with how some people can look at the world and say “Why,” while writers seem to be able to look at that self-same world and say, “Why not?” Essentially, that is what lies at the core […]

The Measure of a Superhero: Ray Felix

The Measure of a Superhero: Ray Felix

“They’re holding the word ‘superhero’ hostage,” Ray Felix tells us.

A Baker’s Dozen on CCN with Bill Baker and Mark Mazz

A Baker’s Dozen on CCN with Bill Baker and Mark Mazz

1. What is CCN and what sets it apart from the rest of the of comic-centric news and opinion sites that already exist? The current slate of news sites are centered around corporate-owned Intellectual Properties and their management of those IPs, and not the blood, sweat and tears of the individuals who are pouring their […]

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